BREAKING: CDC Announces Autism Prevalence Rate Increases

Dear Vicki,
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published its biennial prevalence report on the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The report shows that the number of eight-year-old children diagnosed is now 1 in 54, up from 1 in 59 in 2018.
The latest findings draw on data from two separate reports on both eight-year-old and four-year-old children, where previous findings only drew from a report on eight-year-old children. It continues to show that the prevalence rate estimates vary by state, from 1 in 76 children diagnosed in Colorado, to 1 in 32 in New Jersey. Similarly, it showcases that boys have a higher incidence of ASD than girls, and for the first time, data shows that there is no disparity between the number of black children identified with autism compared to white children.
While we do not fully understand the consistent increases, it is clear that our policymakers must respond to the additional service needs of the significantly rising numbers of people on the autism spectrum. The Autism Society of America stands ready to assist and continue our advocacy work at the federal, state and local levels, to address the needs of individuals and families with autism.
According to the report, progress has been made toward the goal of increasing the number of children who receive their first developmental evaluation for ASD by 36 months. Everyday our nationwide network of affiliates works with local providers, healthcare professionals, school systems, and others to educate communities on the signs, symptoms, supports and services for autism.
The Autism Society of America aims to improve the quality of life for all affected by autism across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan. We remain committed to our mission and will continue our efforts to provide education, advocacy, information & referral services, supports, and to build a more inclusive community.
We are grateful for your past support. We will continue to advocate for all affected by autism and encourage you to contribute to our essential work, especially in light of this global crisis. Millions of individuals with autism need their voices heard in the halls of Congress, and in state capitals across our nation. Please donate to support our mission today.
Today, and always, we are here for you.
My Best,
Christopher Banks
President & CEO